Saturday, January 23, 2010

Good Distractions...

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

-Author Unknown-

It was funny, today I was driving down the road and just thinking about some things in my life that have been constantly confusing. I was starting to give a little foothold to my mind in the defeat of my heart. It was by far not a huge low, but I could feel myself wanting to just give in for a moment of temporary familiarity and comfort. But then, in the midst of my confusion, I saw this beautiful sky with giant pillow-like clouds standing behind the mountains, all beautiful and radiantly displayed by the power of the sun. I just had to take a picture. I got totally distracted, like really really really distracted! It was like Stephen right before he was about to be stoned to death (well not that intense), but “full of the Holy Spirit, (he) looked up to Heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God” (Acts 7:55). As he was consumed and distracted from his immediate fate, I was given an immediate distraction from my thoughts.

Now some distractions can be good for me, and some can be bad. In everyday life we are distracted by laziness, thoughts, people, temptation, Facebook (I am so guilty). The list could go on for days. When people get distracted, they primarily go to a specific set of thoughts, the ones that are most prominent in their immediate circumstances. For example, if someone is struggling with depression, they may immediately start thinking about everything that has made them sad. Or if someone is really anxious about a job interview, they may start getting nervous and worrying about what questions they will be asked. People get distracted easily based on what is at the forefront of their minds. Today, I was distracted by the good. I was literally pulled out of my own mind into the awe of our Almighty Creator! It got me excited, because usually I am distracted by the meaningless bad things.

I love witnessing change. I love fixing things and providing encouragement for the Kingdom (I am definitely not even close to perfect in doing this…but I am humbly attempting to learn). I love seeing change in myself, other people, my family, communities, and etc. It brings me satisfaction and joy. The whole thought and act of repentance, completely turning away from something old in order to fully embrace something new. This is miraculous, like taking life out of death. Today, I witnessed an actual change in my way of thinking. It got me really excited. I want Jesus to always be my distraction.

Now, God is awesome. If you believe he has the power to heal, change, and deliver, keep believing. Rome was not built in a day and you will shortly see the fruits of your dedication and commitment to righteousness. And on that note, I am not saying that acts are the only way to reach the Kingdom thinking mindset, because faith is what gives you the motivation to continue acting. They are mutually exclusive; one cannot survive without the other.

If we want to be distracted by the good things, let us be consumed and delight in Jesus. “Oh, how I love your law! I mediate on it all day long” (Psalm 119:97).

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