Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I Got Tricked....

SO, I got legitimately deceived by something not of God. I had a very strange intense feeling just consume me for about 24 hours. It was regarding a future for my life that I am completely against. At first when I had this feeling, I felt like I just needed to submit. Like God wanted me to do something and just accept this complete plan for my life. But it wasn't in a gentle nudging; it was in a FULL FORCE you have no choice kind of way. I cannot explain to you how horrible this felt. I felt like my free will was completely taken away, and I would have to learn to accept this particular thing for the good of humanity. It was manipulative and made me feel bad about not wanting to do it. I want God so badly right now, and it played on the goodness of my hearts intentions. I was deceived, and an emotional wreck for 24 hours. I'm pretty strong, and to have something like this hit me was very shocking.

Satan uses good things to confuse you. He brings the spirit of confusion. Our God is not a forceful, impatient God. He will guide your heart into the right understanding. We as believers need to discern and test the spirits as they direct our hearts and minds. Literally, for the first time, I was heavily attacked by a spirit of deception in such a way that if I didn't have someone to guide me through this and recognize the spirits, I would be a wreck. Praise Jesus for truth and authority. I don't think I have ever experienced such an intense battle for my mind and heart before. It is so true that satan tries to attack the strong ones, and he uses below the belt methods to accomplish his goals. They're age old....

I just feel that because I am entering a new dimension of my spiritual walk, I am going to have to discern between MANY things. It's scary yet exhilarating. All the more reason to continually put on the armor of God....A battle may have been lost, but only to help me understand the straegy I need to win the war. I thank you Lord for continual protection and the spirit of truth instilled in my heart and mind. You saved me today.

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