Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Removing Noise...We Were Meant for SO Much More

Removing noise from my everyday life has been the most refreshing thing I have done recently. I have been purging all unnecessary things; anything from pointless television shows to environments that I know don’t contribute to my growth. I have lightened my load of commitments and have, for once in my life, tried NOT to do everything. I dropped a few classes, have been getting rid of clothes, and am even trying to be more cautious about what I am spending money on. I have been craving and finding simplicity and freedom in living in a world with less distractions.

What I have noticed…

• Removing distractions leaves room for love to infiltrate. In making my life simpler, I have less to think about and feel more open to loving and being present with people.

• Opportunities to love seem to pop up more often. People from all different walks of life, homeless, handicapped, whatever have been coming up to me. I love it, I want to serve and give joy to these people. And in this, I find joy myself, all due to God allowing my cup to overflow and attract.

• Obedience is joy. By doing what my Father is nudging me to do, I please Him. In this pleasure I find peace and contentment. Love NEVER fails.

• Everything is more beautiful. I have the time to meditate on my surroundings and be thankful for all God has given me. Why would I want a life that I am too busy to enjoy?

• I can hear. I can listen, discern, and be content in my surroundings right here right now. Removing the clutter helps fight an unhealthy thought life.

• My room is cleaner. It is easier to stay on top of responsibilities and break simple things down into manageable tasks. I think when we are so overwhelmed with ridiculous amounts of stuff we categorize everything as one giant problem and are unable to delegate and divide truth from error. Everything is clearer in simplicity.

• It’s easier to start and finish something. When you don’t have twenty billion lose ends hanging around you actually feel the joy of accomplishment. I love projects.

• I am not stumbling over the same road blocks. I am progressing, moving on to solid food and actually giving my faith the freedom to breathe. How can we ever grow if we keep falling into the same holes?

• Priorities change. Life becomes more than just mundane, and every day becomes a treasure hunt. There are more “coincidences” and you are able to recognize and feel for things and people that you were once numb to.

Overall, the “joy of the Lord is my strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). Life’s circumstances may be less than ideal from what I would have planned for myself currently, but that’s not really something I need to worry about. There is a season for everything. I have a roof over my head, food, clothing, a wonderful family, and an abundance of goodness in my life. What more could I ask for? He knows the deepest desires of my heart, He got the memo, and nothing pleases Him more than my satisfaction. But in that, I must seek only Him to satisfy. It’s a two way street.

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