Saturday, December 19, 2009

Unconditional Love--Love without Conditions

"Love is either unconditional or it's not love. You might like someone conditional on their personality or behavior or circumstances. But love accepts no boundaries. So never say 'I love you because', for love has no cause, love comes from God"--Anonymous

This made me think. In our society, we often look at people in terms of what they can do for us, how they make us feel, and how they can comfort and affirm us or our situations. We compare people to objects and make judgements by how much pleasure we have when we're around them. We determine their value based on our own opinions and hoard our love in fear of being vulnerable or uncomfortable. WE USE PEOPLE for our own we can get all the loving without having to give out any love. Because giving out love is really "tiresome," is not the EASY thing to do, and it has conditions based on our feelings. This is what the world tells you. How many of you can honestly say you haven't loved someone in this way before? Put aside the pride and truthfully evaluate. Can you really truly say all of your love has been unconditional---love lacking conditions?

When we only think about our side of the love equation, we label the other person and put them within our box of "conditions." We pick and choose who it's easiest to love, and then we justify our actions based on our feelings. We think we know the entirety of them, and then stop getting to know them because we "know" it all. We settle in error. Oh, well "if she says that or if he does that then yikes! It's too difficult... It makes me uncomfortable. Love should never be uncomfortable!  OH MY."

Well you want to talk about love being uncomfortable, ask Jesus how he felt when he was being nailed to the cross. After being denied, over and over again by His disciples and an ignorant world, he cried out "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:24). Despite excruciating pain and less than desirable circumstances, HE still loved. He pleaded for us in the most uncomfortable situation you could ever imagine. His blood was literally shed for our lack of faith. Do you think this was an easy "love" thing to do?

Based on the life of Jesus, why would we ever think that love would be easy, comfortable, or conditional?  His love was NEVER conditional, so why should ours be? Right there, this argument proves that love is not about what the other person can do for you. It is your choice, your actions, your words....and it has no conditions. Unfortunately, the English language only has one word for love. A word that has been distorted and misused within the context of irrational feelings and desires. Divorce and adultery is so common in our society because people innately believe in hedonism. "Pleasure never pushes or prods....and if it does then I am going to get rid of whatever is causing discomfort!"  This makes me sick. People, the grass is not greener on the other side of the fence, it's greener where you water it. And plants don't magically pop up overnight. It takes time, dedication, and light to fight for life.  It takes radiant truth to foster growth in anything.

Loving someone is not an easy thing to do. It takes a selfless attitude and commitment. But that commitment is not conditional shouldn't be picking and choosing who is worthy of your love. Not a single person is worthy of God's love, but he freely gives it to us because HE loves us. He loves us despite what we do for him....What would this world be like if we loved everyone like this? If we put aside our selfish feelings and emotions but were truly empathetic? "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn" (Romans 12:15). This is love, your actions being consistent with your words in ALL circumstances. Not just the easy ones.

Let us be pretenders no more!

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